
Joining makes a statement. It's an act of commitment. And it changes things.

To Join or Not?

Membership changes how you look at Black Creek Methodist Church. You are now more than a participant, you are a member. Because you belong, you find yourself drawn more deeply into our fellowship with all the support and nurture that brings.

It changes the church. You bring unique gifts and graces that will make a difference here. As an active member your ministry touches all of us.

Joining says you find this to be your spiritual home in this part of your journey in faith. When you join you make a commitment to be an active member of this church family.

New Member classes are held twice a year, in the Fall and Spring.

Topics covered in the class include, but are not limited to:

  • History of the Methodist Church

  • Connectional System Itineracy

  • Black Creek Methodist Church's Mission and Core Values

  • Membership Expectations

  • Worship

  • Q&A

Contact the church office for specific dates or follow the church's social media accounts for scheduled events.

When You Decide...

When you decide to become a member of the Family of Faith at Black Creek Methodist Church, simply complete the form below. After an interview with the Pastor and Lay Leader you will joyfully be received as a member.